Sorry it has been so long since my last post, but I sort of figured October might be like this. So much has happened since the last post! This post is mostly about the Witches Night Out party that Brooke and her mom hosted on October 2. It was at her mom's house and was a mix of older witches and younger witches! The older witches went way out with their costumes, while the younger witches just wore black dresses. Here is a picture of the dining room...they have the best Halloween decorations!
One very notible thing from this event was that I ate salad!! Brooke had prepared this salad that I make for Jared all the time but never eat it...not sure I even tried it ever, but I was so hungry and it was the first course....and I ate it....and liked it!! It was a spinach based I am going to try to get more green that way now!

Here is Brooke & I....and the unveiling of my hair cut to my Richmond friends! We had colored ice cubes and it was making the picture turn out funky, thus the reason her hand is over my drink.

Brandy was most excited to get a break from her kids and enjoy some time to relax and have fun with adults!

Here is a picture of all of the younger witches. My picture of the older witches with their cool costumes didn't turn out.

A great time was had by was our last chance to really relax before the madness of October began......and o did it begin...